"The world is vast and wide. Why do you put on your seven-piece robe at the sound of the bell?"


This practice is rooted in the deepest intention for awakening, including breath awareness, mindfulness practices, koan introspection, and subtle art of just sitting. We are also committed to the continuing work of integrating Zen practice into everyday life.

No experience needed, just dive in!

Good health starts with a healthy mind, something we all need.  Our community energetically dives into this vast practice of simply being human.  

Grass Hut Zen Sangha

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Research and Engineering

The Brain Tool Lab

Brilliant minds, tough challenges, and a crazy creative ideas all crashing together to create the most innovative and advanced solutions for surgical robotics, medical device design, and health & safety technologies.

Check out our latest creations

An internet of things for
operating room efficiency.  We use predictive analytics to create the best surgical experience for the patient and the care team.
We power our products by tracking surgical instruments in the operating room,
creating dependable, real-time data streams that transform OR resource management


OR innovation 

Regenerative Waste and Environmental Restoration

We recognize that care for the environment and mindfulness of our impact on this earth is fundamental to the well being of all living beings.  We are undertaking a bold project to create sustainable and waste reducing technologies to tackle the critical need for  less violent use of the food, products and energy we all consume. 

In a unique collaboration with April Kensington and Hidden Forest Naturals, I am working to improve the environment through regenerative waste reduction

Hidden Forest

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Health & Safety TechnologY

Thexa Technologies

Using novel thermal tracking tech with cutting edge computer algorithms improve cleaning of our home and commercial spaces.


For more of my current work, innovations, thoughts and more, join me on Instagram

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