All my teaching begins with being a student first. I begin with questions that require me to always remain a student of how to work with intention, care and respect for the human body and the resources we have. My work as a student began at Caltech studying Biology where I became focused on the human brain. I went on to get my Doctorate of Medicine from Harvard Medical School and M.I.T.'s combined program where I engaged with robotics and innovation.
I stayed in Boston as a Resident at Massachusetts General Hospital affiliated with Harvard Medical School for Neurosurgery training. As a fellow I chose to be the student of the top endoscopic and minimally invasive neurosurgeon in the world and in 2019 I became Board Certified in Neurosurgery. I believe you can't care for a human with a pile of diplomas so I am endlessly learning, investigating, striving, creating and exploring.
I make a big breakfasts and big messes with my kids, while we adventure, wonder, and learn from each other what it means to grow up. I marvel that while cutting into a brain is challenging, it pales in comparison to getting a three-year-old to eat dinner. The art of showing up for my family falls first in the order of priorities for living a good life. I can toss around accolades till I am blue in the face, but my greatest achievement will hopefully be children who live full, happy lives acting as stewards of our world and each other.
I was inspired to be a doctor by my grandfather, a classic “black bag” physician, who practiced family medicine with grace, compassion, and enthusiasm I strive to emulate. Compassionate, inquisitive and skilled, he took care of countless families and patients. It may seem these days like a time gone-by, but it is fundamentally what we all yearn for in a true physician. I strive to be like him every day, and with every patient I have the privilege of caring for.
At the bottom of it, we are all just humans a part of, not apart from, the natural world. Nothing special. And yet...and infinitely special. We face the joys, fears, heartaches and successes together. We are part of this interconnected fabric of all beings, and we are not separate from it. This is our collective gateway to compassion and my work every day.
I treat everyone like I would treat my own family. Because after all, we are bound by the great interconnectedness of being human and inseparable from everything around us. It is with this mind that I approach my avocation as a physician, my calling as a Zen Buddhist Priest, my passion as an innovator for building technologies to improve the world, and as simply a human living a human life.
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